Sustainability Disclosures
Entity specific disclosures
Entity specific disclosures Under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (“SFDR”), P Capital Partners AB (“PCP”) is required to make the following disclosures in accordance with Articles 3(1), 4(1), and 5(1) of the SFDR. Integration of sustainability risks in PCP’s investment decision-making process An integral part of PCP’s investment process is the identification and evaluation of sustainability risks and opportunities, alongside impacts on sustainability factors in society as part of each investment due diligence. For each potential investment, PCP identifies and assesses material sustainability risks at company level, which inform the investment decision, as well as sustainability risks to be monitored during the investment period. Please see the Responsible Investment Policy (the “RI policy”) for more information.
Where material sustainability risks have been identified, PCP seeks to mitigate those risks by contractual or noncontractual means. PCP has adopted internal regulatory documents relating to the sustainability aspects of the management of the Funds. These include:
• the RI Policy; and
• PCP ESG Screening Tool.
Each PCP investment team is responsible for integrating and monitoring sustainability risks, and any adverse impacts of investments on sustainability factors. In addition, PCP’s Director of Sustainability is involved in the evaluation of a potential investment where the ESG aspects require an extended investigation in the overall risk assessment. PCP is also an active contributor in national and international networks on sustainable finance, as well as a UNPRI member.
Remuneration policies In accordance with the PCP Remuneration Policy, all Identified Staff and Investment Professionals are remunerated as employees, with a combination of fixed and variable remuneration. For PCP, sustainability risks and opportunities are naturally integrated in the investment process for all Funds. PCP’s investment thesis is based on both, using environmental and social factors as a screening tool, and ultimately integrating the analysis of sustainability risks and opportunities for value creation of the investment portfolio. The renumeration policy seeks to ensure that the Identified Staff and Investment Professionals are encouraged to consider the long-term effects of their decisions and avoid taking short-term risks in order to achieve personal gain. This is, amongst others, achieved by ensuring that the performance assessment for the variable remuneration is based on a long-term perspective. The number of checks and steps implemented to prevent Identified Staff and Investment Professionals from excessive risk taking are described in the policy, including the management of sustainability risks in investment activity. The consideration and monitoring of certain sustainability metrics are not explicitly tied to any part of employees’ remuneration package. Any targets relating to sustainability factors are integrated into the firm’s investment strategy and will ultimately affect the overall success of the firm, but do not explicitly form part of the remuneration package. No consideration of principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors.
At the time of this disclosure, PCP does not consider principal adverse impacts for sustainability factors as the relevant data for measuring such impact is not yet available to a sufficient extent. PCP continues to closely monitor the evolution of the market and regulatory landscape in relation to consideration of adverse impacts on sustainability factors. Whether PCP will consider principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors will be assessed at least annually by PCP.
Download the full Sustainability-related Disclosure here
Download the translations of the summary in relevant languages here